When should you have surgery?
Making the decision to have surgery is not always cut-and-dry (pardon the pun) and you should always consult with your physician about your particular case. And even when surgical treatment is warranted, there is a decision to make regarding which procedure is best for you. These range from minimally-invasive to more complex surgical options and each physician/practice has their own opinions about treatment plans.
How does a Podiatrist evaluate your treatment plan?
Neville Foot and Ankle Centers believes in exploring and exhausting conservative, non-surgical or minimally invasive treatment options before recommending surgery. The goal is always to reduce risk and improve patient outcome over the long term. Each patient will have their own medical profile that the podiatrist will evaluate like:
• Is the issue acute (abrupt onset; urgent) or chronic (occurring over a period of time)?
• What are the pain levels associated with the issue?
• What is the likelihood of the impacted area healing on its own?
• Does the patient profile allow for the standard treatment option? (age, health, etc)

How is "Invasiveness" Determined?
There are several factors that are considered when evaluating invasiveness like:
• Risk (or likelihood of complication)
• Recovery period and post op limitations
• Incision size & type (scope vs. open surgery e.g.)
• Amount of disruption to tissue/bone
• Post-op pain
• Amount of bleeding
• Requirement of Anesthesia (none, local, general)
If you believe that your foot requires surgery, please discuss with a physician that believes in providing non-invasive treatment plans when possible.